The Idle Red Hands are still finding inspiration in everyday things like Jenga towers, X-Box games and bear gods. Join us for our second installment of Inspirations where we share game ideas we’ve gotten from outside of the TRPG world.

In this episode, we discuss  the novel Shardik, the video game Bastion, and the TRPG Dread. I think one of the hosts doesn’t quite get the concept of this series.

“Welcome to the team. This is your cubicle and over there is the break room. Oh, oh, and I almost forgot. Ahh, I’m gonna need you to come in on Saturday and go back in time to, ah, fix some temporal anomalies.”

Are you tired of playing heroes? Is it bad for your self-esteem? Well, Time & Temp, a game of “time travel and underemployment”, is the answer. Play the low man on the office totem pole and travel time.
For some reason, Chris wanted to record from inside a can. We told him it wasn’t a good idea, but the man is a huge Oscar the Grouch fan.

WARNING: If you’ve never listened to the Idle Red Hands before, you’re advised to choose another episode to start the adventure.
For the rest of you, in this episode we talk about our experiences recording a podcast. We also choose our best and worst episodes. Hold on. If you’ve listened to us before, you’ve probably made your own choices. Who did we record this episode for, then? Oh, that’s right. Ourselves.
Prepare for our most self-indulgent episode to date, listeners. We’ll get back to the “good stuff” in Episode 51.

Idle Red H.A.N.D.S. (Hero Action and Network Defense Squad) is the code name for Japan’s daring, highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend gamer freedom against the Active Blue T.O.E.s (Terrorist Organization of Evil), a ruthless terrorist organization of, uh, evil determined to rule the Internet.

In this episode, the Idle Red H.A.N.D.S. discuss the cartoons they watched as kids and which elements they could use in their games. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Correction: The name of the Visionary Darkling Lord discussed is Cravex, not Craven. Who knew that a cartoon could be so subtle?

Praise not the day until evening has come; praise not a woman until she is burnt; praise not a sword until it is tried; praise not a maiden until she is married; praise not ice until it is crossed; praise not beer until it is drunk; praise a podcast any time. -Norse proverb (well, most of it)

In this episode, we discuss the Norse pantheon. We also uncover startling parallels between the Aesir and a certain American subculture.