The Idle Red Hands are still finding inspiration in everyday things like Jenga towers, X-Box games and bear gods. Join us for our second installment of Inspirations where we share game ideas we’ve gotten from outside of the TRPG world.

In this episode, we discuss  the novel Shardik, the video game Bastion, and the TRPG Dread. I think one of the hosts doesn’t quite get the concept of this series.

“So, Pureheart, we meet again. I always knew it would come down to us: you, the epitome of good, and me, the embodiment of evil. But am I evil? Is it evil to protect what is precious to you? Growing up in the ghettos of the East, I learned many things, and one of those things was that if you play the game of…”

“I got a 16 for initiative. I charge.”

“Hey! I’m monologuing here!”

In this episode, we run down the questions that every gamemaster should consider when making their villains. You’ve been warned, players.

Kristos sits in for his first non-board game episode. You’ve been warned, listeners.