The Batman: Gotham City Chronicles – The Roleplaying Game has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Gamefound, featuring 127 miniatures, books, tile maps, dice, and other materials to immerse players in the Batman universe. Following Monolith Boardgames’ earlier successful campaigns, this new project includes the “Skyline Edition” pledge for RPG content and a “Sidekick” option for miniatures, offering a blend of narrative gameplay and detailed collectible figures. Fans of Batman, RPGs, and miniatures are drawn to the impressive sculpts and comprehensive materials, although some concerns persist about production timelines and shipping costs, with an estimated delivery of January 2026. Despite these uncertainties, the campaign has already surpassed its funding goal, reaching over 282% of the target.

Chaosium has announced The Sutra of Pale Leaves – Twin Suns Rising, a new Call of Cthulhu adventure set in 1980s Japan, featuring the King in Yellow entity. This marks an exciting shift, blending the RPG’s cosmic horror with a modern, unique setting during Japan’s technological boom. Call of Cthulhu is particularly popular in Japan, where scenarios often focus on contemporary, relatable locations rather than historical settings. While limited details are available, the creative team includes notable writers and artists, and fans are eager to explore this fresh narrative and setting. The adventure is slated for release in 2025, appealing to fans of the Vast Grimm RPG and similar modern horror genres.

The Trench Crusade Late Pledge offers a final chance to purchase STL files for the skirmish-scale tabletop miniatures game set in a grim alternate timeline. Factory Fortress Inc’s campaign includes six warbands, reinforcements, and exclusive painting competitions with prizes for categories like Best Painted and Best Diorama. The late pledge provides the full range of high-quality miniatures at discounted prices, attracting both collectors and gamers. Players can dive into this horror-themed tabletop experience, expanding their miniatures collection or showcasing their painting and kitbashing skills.

Diamond Comics Publishers, once a dominant distributor in the comic book industry, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, citing financial instability due to lost exclusive publisher relationships, inflation, and decreased margins. The company plans to sell key assets, including Diamond UK and Alliance Games, while seeking buyers for other subdivisions like Diamond Select Toys. Diamond’s decline stems from its controversial handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led major publishers like DC and Marvel to seek alternative distributors. While this development could fragment ordering systems for comic book retailers, it signals a potential shift toward more competitive and diverse distribution models in the industry.

#gothamcitychronicles #kinginyellow #trenchcrusade #sqwurmish

Trench Crusade Late Pledge on MyMiniFactory:

Painting Contest Page:

Batman: Gotham City Chronicles – RPG : Skyline Edition—rpg–skyline-edition#/section/box-1-skyline-box-content-60649

Sqwurmish Skirmish Campaign:

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Brandon Sanderson’s “Cosmere Roleplaying Game” has taken the tabletop community by surprise. Originally promoted as “The Stormlight Roleplaying Game,” it was revealed that this project would encompass not just the Stormlight Archive but also the Mistborn series, making it a comprehensive RPG for the entire Cosmere universe. Developed by Brotherwise Games and Dragonsteel Entertainment, the game has sparked immense excitement, quickly raising over $1.5 million on Kickstarter. The project will be released in phases, with Stormlight materials expected in 2025 and Mistborn content in 2026. Despite a high price point, fan enthusiasm is driving the campaign toward becoming one of the year’s most successful crowdfunding efforts. The Cosmere RPG’s Kickstarter has shattered records, raising over $4 million in its first 24 hours, making it the biggest tabletop RPG Kickstarter to date. The game’s success is attributed to the ambitious plans laid out by Brotherwise Games, which include a series of books and a “living RPG” concept that will evolve alongside the ongoing Cosmere stories. Fans can look forward to a d20-based system that integrates the unique magic systems from Sanderson’s books, allowing for a rich, narrative-driven experience across different worlds within the Cosmere.

The winners of the 2024 ENNIE awards at Gen Con have been announced, highlighting excellence across multiple categories such as Best Adventure, Best Art, and Best Game. Shadowdark RPG took the gold for Product of the Year.

D&D YouTubers have faced copyright strikes from Wizards of the Coast over content related to the new D&D Player’s Handbook, causing confusion and concern within the creator community. Some videos have been taken down, while others have been modified to avoid further strikes, raising questions about the communication and policies surrounding the promotion of the new book.

Lastly, Mantic Games continues to expand its popular Deadzone franchise, introducing new factions and 3D printing options as part of their “Summer of Sci-Fi.” The company is engaging the community through a new platform on MyMiniFactory, offering immediate access to STL files and stretch goals for fans who want to enhance their gaming experience with custom terrain and miniatures. This initiative highlights Mantic’s commitment to keeping the Deadzone universe vibrant and accessible to both new and returning players.

#cosmererpg #ennies2024 #deadzone #dnd

Deadzone Frontier:

Cosmere RPG on Kickstarter:

Immersive RPG Bundle for Alchemy VTT (affiliate link):

Alien 2E Kickstarter Campaign URL:

4-Hour Dune RPG Review:

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Outgunned RPG – Action Hero Pledge UNBOXING:

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Dragonbane Actual Play Episode One:

Dragonbane Core Set:

Dragonbane Free Quickstart:

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe

Star Trek: Away Missions is a new Sci-Fi miniatures board game where players can pre-order and play as iconic Star Trek characters engaging in battles against each other. The game features the Federation battling against The Borg in the Battle of Wolf 359, with Riker’s Away Team on one side and the Unimatrix of The Borg led by Locustus on the other. 

Free League Publishing is hosting a Summer RPG Sale with up to 50% off select titles, including The One Ring RPG, Blade Runner The Roleplaying Game, ALIEN The Roleplaying Game, Tales From the Loop RPG, Symbaroum, and Coriolis – The Third Horizon. 

Cyber Forge’s July release for their sci-fi miniatures Patreon includes a complete crew, enemies, terrain, and a ship for the game Five Parsecs From Home. 

The Spire: The City Must Fall RPG – Core Rulebook (Fifth Anniversary Edition) will be released by Rowan, Rook, and Decard in September 2023, featuring a game about rebel dark elves seeking to overthrow the high elf government. 

C’MON has announced Monty Python’s Flying Circus Zombicide expansion for Zombicide 2nd Edition, adding new survivors, equipment, and a mission with characters from the Monty Python series.
#cmon #freeleague #startrek #fiveparsecs #spirerpg

Cyberforge STL Patreon:

Five Parsecs from Home:

10% off First Purchase from Modiphius:

Gloomhaven Grand Festival on Backerkit:

Dragonbane Actual Play Episode One:

Dragonbane Core Set:

Dragonbane Free Quickstart:

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe

Alex Ziff, co-CEO at MyMiniFactory, and Matt Wilson, chief creative officer at Privateer Press discuss the state of 3D printing and where it will be in 5 years.

Talislanta the Roleplaying Game is Back and after 35 years, still no Elves! New race combos Written and designed by the original Talislanta creator New Atlas New illustrations New equipment and weapons New archetypes, monsters, and creatures All this and more in a Limited Print run. The campaign is being produced by Everything Epic.

This bundle includes hundreds and hundreds of books, I have no idea how many, but it is basically everything we have ever made using the OGL v1.0

#OpenDnD is a rallying cry under which creators and fans have unified to demand that WotC revoke the draconian 1.1 OGL and pledge to support the existing 1.0 OGL into future editions of their games. This isn’t an opportunity to litigate and tinker with a new license, but to return to the values of open gaming. Our community deserves an open future if we want our favorite games to not only survive, but thrive!!  What is #OpenDnD? An open letter on the Open Gaming License, to Wizards of the Coast.

Basic Fantasy Project productions will excise OGL content from its rules. It doesn’t matter whether Hasbro releases their new license or not. It doesn’t matter whether it stands up in court or not. Their attempt to invalidate the license we’ve always depended on and then to effectively steal what we’ve created demonstrates that they are an existential threat to our game. So, what do we do? We excise the OGL.

Apropos of nothing… Chaosium has made Basic Roleplaying aka ‘The Big Gold Book’ only 99 cents on DriveThruRPG (normally $21.95)*. At some point, almost every gamemaster wants to create their own Mythic World. That’s what the Basic Roleplaying System (BRP) is all about! It is simple, fast, and elegant, using a skill-based percentile system. Combat is fast and deadly, and with a strong focus on non-combat skills that some game systems are challenged to support. Players roll percentile dice against the Gamemaster-led opponents, or even themselves.

#Basic Roleplaying #BRP #BigGold


Full OGL 1.1 Leak:

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe

Astral Virtual Tabletop has suspended active development, but is exploring ways for it to continue into the future. In the meantime, Astral will remain open as long as they are able to maintain their server costs. This is sad news and hopefully there will be some company interested in keeping it going. The platform had the support of DriveThruRPG so the visibility should have helped it. The quality of their “official” content was not amazing but the software itself was quite usable. Let’s hope for the best.

Following the successful 2021 Kickstarter of Pathfinder for Savage Worlds the second oldest adventure path is now being adapted to the Savage Worlds system. Curse of the Crimson Throne is now available along with the Advanced Player’s Guide adapted to Savage Worlds. All of the releases from the previous Kickstarter are also available. The website also encourages you to order directly from their website if you want the older boxed sets right away.

Free RPG Day 2022 will be held on June 25th in North America and July 23rd for the rest of the world outside of North America. Many of the usual companies will be offering adventures and accessories to get new players and old ones to enjoy their hobby together. Physical items are available at your local games store and most companies offer the same content on their website in PDF form for the next month.

MyMiniFactory acquires 3DC, owner of , a leading on demand manufacturer of assets for gaming. Their vision to enable a MetaReverse for Indie 3D Creators and Makers is advancing with this acquisition. Indie Creators will soon be empowered to monetize their creations in digital & physical formats. A very exciting next step for the 3D printing space.
#pathfinder #savageworlds #myminifactory #darktower #freerpgday

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rulebook (afilliate link):

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