Mutant Crawl Classics Corebook now available at retail stores in both softcover and hardback. Dungeons and Dragons themed restaurant to open in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Another unsuccessful attempt to profit from the birthplace of D&D? World of Darkeness to follow Patherfinder 2E and partner with Demiplane to create World of Darkness Nexus digital toolset in 2022. The forgotten Street Fighter TTRPG powered by the Storyteller System. Bundle of holding brings us the ninth Indie Cornucopia
#mutantcrawlclassics #streetfighter #indiecornucopia9 #goodmangames

Indie Cornucopia 9 on Bundle of Holding:

Return of Reckoning the fan project resurrection of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning gets to new cities cut from original MMO. Free League announces a Blade Runner RPG coming in 2022. This will be a collaboration with Genuine Entertainament similar to the previous Alien RPG. Mutant Crawl Classics, the post apocalypse version of Dungeon Crawl Classics, is on Bundle of Holding. Funcom okays Star Anvil Studios to produce a Secret World TTRPG based on their original MMO.

#returntoreckoning #bladerunnerrpg #mutantcrawlclassics #secretworldrpg

Return to Reckoning MMO:

Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle of Holding: