In this installment of Rogues, we discuss hackers and…

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****I always prided myself on being an outsider… but now… I feel the need to connect with someone.****

****All your base are belong to us.****

“So, Pureheart, we meet again. I always knew it would come down to us: you, the epitome of good, and me, the embodiment of evil. But am I evil? Is it evil to protect what is precious to you? Growing up in the ghettos of the East, I learned many things, and one of those things was that if you play the game of…”

“I got a 16 for initiative. I charge.”

“Hey! I’m monologuing here!”

In this episode, we run down the questions that every gamemaster should consider when making their villains. You’ve been warned, players.

Kristos sits in for his first non-board game episode. You’ve been warned, listeners.