Res Nova has decided to order a tactical retreat and cancel the Warzone Eternal Kickstarter campaign regardless of the fact that they hit their funding goal on the first day. In an update posted on crowdfunding page they point to a slowdown of funding growth and complaints varying from the high price of unit boxes to the lack of painted models in the campaign page. We really hope to see a triumphant return of this game to crowdfunding or however else they want to proceed. Everyone’s heart seemed to be in the right place. It may just be that the company’s vision for the game and the fans’ expectations just didn’t line up.

Goodman Games Announces Caverns of Thracia for 5E and DCC RPG. Continuing in the tradition of bringing classic adventures to new life for the next generation of fans of role-playing games, Goodman Games is proud to announce the acquisition of the acclaimed adventure The Caverns of Thracia from Judges Guild and will republish it in fully converted 5E and DCC RPG editions with a targeted release date of 2023. Coming on the heels of the acquisition of Dark Tower, The Caverns of Thracia is the second acclaimed adventure from designer Jennell Jaquays to join the Goodman Games stable. Both were originally published by Judges Guild.

Several popular tabletop franchises are getting a full radio drama experience. Earlier this month, Aconyte Games, a publishing house owned by board game maker Asmodee, announced an audiobook partnership with Graphic Audio. Under the partnership Graphic Audio will produce twelve of Aconyte’s novels into dramatized audiobook adaptations, with sound effects, cinematic music, and a full cast. The first of these books – Wrath of N’Kai” by Josh Reynolds – was released on May 16th. Five other Arkham Horror books, three Twilight Imperium novels, and three Zombicide books will also get adapted into cinematic audiobooks.

The Embracer Group has announced its preservationist Embracer Games Archive. So far collected “50,000 videogames, consoles, and accessories” in its vault in Karlstad, Sweden. A team consisting of a CEO, archivist, assistant, technical engineer, and supply manager runs the archive. Is this a good thing or does Embracer just have trouble keeping its tentacles off of everything?
#warzone #goodmangames #arkhamhorror

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KokoroNoMe “Izumi” Video:

Graphic Audio Arkham Offerings on Website:

Goodman Games Dark Tower Kickstarter:

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Mutant Crawl Classics Corebook now available at retail stores in both softcover and hardback. Dungeons and Dragons themed restaurant to open in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Another unsuccessful attempt to profit from the birthplace of D&D? World of Darkeness to follow Patherfinder 2E and partner with Demiplane to create World of Darkness Nexus digital toolset in 2022. The forgotten Street Fighter TTRPG powered by the Storyteller System. Bundle of holding brings us the ninth Indie Cornucopia
#mutantcrawlclassics #streetfighter #indiecornucopia9 #goodmangames

Indie Cornucopia 9 on Bundle of Holding:

Return of Reckoning the fan project resurrection of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning gets to new cities cut from original MMO. Free League announces a Blade Runner RPG coming in 2022. This will be a collaboration with Genuine Entertainament similar to the previous Alien RPG. Mutant Crawl Classics, the post apocalypse version of Dungeon Crawl Classics, is on Bundle of Holding. Funcom okays Star Anvil Studios to produce a Secret World TTRPG based on their original MMO.

#returntoreckoning #bladerunnerrpg #mutantcrawlclassics #secretworldrpg

Return to Reckoning MMO:

Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle of Holding:


We take a look at RPG Kitchen, a try before you buy online stoerfront for RPGs. Will this help indie developers get more exposure for their projects? Goodman Games is Kick-starting a setting for Jack Vance’s Dying Earth, one of the major influences for early D&D. Three main sourcebooks are being produced as well as 6 adventures in a boxed set. The books and illustrations are full of old school goodness. Chaosium is celebrating the 40th anniversary of Call of Cthulhu by Kick-starting a reprint of the 1st edition in both a 1 inch and 2 inch boxed set. The 1 inch includes the original contents of the game and the 2 inch includes 5 additional early supplements. There is no longer any company named TSR. The publisher of the Top Secret RPG has changed their name to Solarian Games and the controversial most recent interaction of TSR that included Ernie Gygax is now going by name Wonderfilled Inc. We previously questioned whether a new TSR could compete in the current OSR market, but this may just simply be proof that you can’t go home again. #rpgkitchen #tsr #chaosium #callofcthulhu #dcc #dyingearth #goodmangames #keepgamingfantasy

Call of Cthulhu First Edition Reprint:

Dying Earth for Dungeon Crawl Classics:

RPG Kitchen:

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Intro song is “Chips” by Kokoro No Me