Sandbox in tabletop games. More roll-playing versus role-playing. Pre-generated characters. Pulling tokens from a bag mechanics. Arkham Horror Card Game. Monolock by Ben Chong. Trudvang Legends Kickstarter by Cool Mini or Not and Riot Minds. #TrudvangLegends #Riotminds #monolock

Monolock by Ben Chong:

Trudvang Legends Kickstarter:

Idle Red Hands on Patreon:

Chris on Twitter:

Fate Patreon:

The latest gigantic boardgame offering from Cool Mini Or Not, based on Adrian Smith’s graphic novel Chronicles of Hate, HATE: the boardgame. It pits player tribes against each other for control of the lands by taking it from other tribes in raids and combat. Does it live up to the hype? Are the miniatures as amazing as we hoped? Find out when we unbox HATE.