Free League and Titans Books will collaborate to publish three original novels that are tied into the AlienRPG campaign storylines. This project will be supervised by Andrew EC Gaska the writer of the Alien RPG campaigns. The original Dungeons and Dragons Gold Box games from the 1980s are returning to PC. Relive these classic early PCRPG adventures and their old school settings originally by SSI. Emanoel Melo’s Cyberpunk TTRPG uses a minimalist version of the acclaimed Forged In The Dark system to encourage cinematic action and a spiraling series of consequences and is now on Kickstarter to produce a physical edition. Kickstarter sets a new record for tabletop projects funded in 2021. Plus they are hiring for their community advisory council.
#alienrpg #CBRPNK #goldboxgames #kickstarter

Alien Novels:

CBR+PNK Kickstarter:

Support Us on DriveThruRPG (afilliate link):

TSR is back! Again? Which one? They have started an IndieGoGo campaign to assist them in suing Wizards of the Coast for libel and slander, mostly concerning the disclaimer that has been added to legacy products. Cortex Prime, owned by Fandom has released the license details for fans interested in developing mods, etc. for the game. The fans are not happy. The agreement appears to give ownership of all free materials developed to Fandom. New expansion for Vaesen by Free League lets players leave the Nordic setting and explore folklore monsters in Britain and Ireland. EN Publishing loses the 200AD license and holds an enormous flash sale of all remaining stock. Forged in the Dark Bundle of Holding give you 4 RPGs using the system, including the original Blades in the Dark designed by John Harper and published by Evil Hat Productions , for only $10. Quite a deal if you have never tried the system and setting.
#tsr #cortexprime #vaesen #2000AD #ForgedintheDark

Forged in the Dark Bundle of Holding:

Vaesen – Mythic Britain and Ireland Kickstarter: