The film right for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are up for sale. This includes live-action film. merchandise, gaming and live events rights. The owner is the Saul Zantz Company who has owned the rights since 1976 and is also in litigation with Warner Bros over profits from the two trilogies they produced. If Disney secures the rights we may hear some grave turning from the author. Tolkien was not a fan. Amazon is producing a ten episode TV series title Bladerunner 2099. This follows 50 years after the sequel film. Ridley Scott is involved as an executive producer and may also direct. Look forward to every character not knowing they are a replicant. What a twist! Finally, Free League Publishing has announced their organized play program. It will be available worldwide and will annually provide exclusive PDF scenarios for all of their most popular TTRPGs. They promise support for gamemasters on a exclusive forum and support materials for conventions and local game store play.

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Return of Reckoning the fan project resurrection of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning gets to new cities cut from original MMO. Free League announces a Blade Runner RPG coming in 2022. This will be a collaboration with Genuine Entertainament similar to the previous Alien RPG. Mutant Crawl Classics, the post apocalypse version of Dungeon Crawl Classics, is on Bundle of Holding. Funcom okays Star Anvil Studios to produce a Secret World TTRPG based on their original MMO.

#returntoreckoning #bladerunnerrpg #mutantcrawlclassics #secretworldrpg

Return to Reckoning MMO:

Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle of Holding: