Free League is releasing the Colonial Marine Operations Manual. Featuring rules for Marines and guidelines for running a whole marine-centric campaign. Plus six missions to run written by Andrew E.C. Gaska and Paul Elliot. Also featuring the excellent artwork of Martin Grip from the core rulebook. The makers of Quest RPG are releasing actual play audio tutorials to help new players get a handle on the game and get up and running even without the physical rulebook. We also discuss the idea of the preciousness of player characters and how with all the investment now possible some players can’t stand to see their characters die.
#alienrpg #questrpg #colonialmarines #preciousness

The Same Page Tool:

The Same Page Tool 2.0:

Colonial Marines Pre-order:

We open up a real oddity in the history of the Mutant Chronicles, the 2007 Starter Set for the Collectible Miniatures game by Fantasy Flight Games licensed by Paradox Entertainment. It contains six 54mm pre-painted miniatures and supposedly everything you need to start playing. Rules were co-written by Eric M. Lang so it might be a playable game. The earliest sign of its short lifespan was the switch from blind box booster packs to just straightforward expansion boxes. It only lasted for about two years but is a very interesting attempt to take advantage of the fanbase that existed somewhere between boardgames and wargaming. Join us as we take look inside the box and try to piece together what created this short-lived oddity. In the midst of the Rackham pre-painted trend of AT-43 and Confrontation: Age of Ragnarok, this addition to the Mutant Chronicles series is a real head-scratcher.

Check out our lore series the Complete Mutant Chronicles:


The Well by Peter Schaefer is an original tabletop roleplaying game currently on Kickstarter. Our conspiracies align as rumors that Hasbro is prepping Wizards of the Coast for sale emerge. We also discuss alignment in TTPRGs and if it is useful and why is it still around. #thewellrpg #wotc #hasbro #alignment

The Well RPG on Kickstarter:

Online Alignment Test:

Another Unboxing of Sovereign Skies by Deep Water Games. This is the Kickstarter edition that features several stretch goal enhancements like a chromium printed box, enhance wooden game pieces and two additional expansions included.

Long ago in a time of war, the six alien planets of the Abyssi cluster worked hard to find diplomacy and eventually came to form a fragile democracy. For humankind, the discovery of this cluster could mean abundant and cheap energy in the form of the earth-rare Atlum crystal. Now several human factions are racing in to grab a share.

In Sovereign Skies, you play one of the powerful houses of Old-Earth now orbiting the six planets of the Abyssi cluster to recruit alien senators for favors and to establish occupation by constructing and activating bases for energy and influence.

Each turn you’ll move your Mothership and perform 1 to 3 of the actions on a Planet to help you earn the Energy and Influence you’ll need to win the game. Add a Ship, collect a Politic card, and/or perform a Planet’s Special action.

The game features big strategic depth, worker-movement action selection rondel, a unique scoring mechanism for area control quick 45-minute playtime for a 4 player game and beautiful art and graphic design.

#sovereignskies #deepwatergames #unboxing #kickstarter

After twelve years of working together, Gale Force Nine is suing Wizards of the Coast for non-payment. WotC is stating dissatisfaction with the translation work done for TRPG Club for Korean translation and Black Book Editions for the French translation. ROLE is calling itself a dating app for roleplaying players and groups. They will open their early access to not only Kickstarter backers, but anyone interested in trying the platform. We also talk about failing forward in tabletop game systems like Powered by the Apocalypse, Year Zero Engine, 2d20 and Gumshoe.

#galeforcenine #rolevtt #failingforward #theweekly