Games Workshop licensing is now open to proposals for merchandise using the Warhammer IP. This includes crowdfunding those projects on Kickstarter. The authors of the Dragonlance novels, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, are suing Wizards of the Coast due to the breakdown of the revision process for the first draft of the first book of the, now in doubt, next trilogy of novels. Our topic this week is about using horror in your tabletop games. What are the considerations and how should you pace a one-shot or campaign?
#horror #dragonlance #gamesworkshop

The Trajectory of Fear – or How to Use
Horror Tropes Effectively in your Game by Ash Law

The theme song is “Chips” by Kokoro no Me used with permission

Unboxing and Flipthrough of the first issue of a new RPG series from 2000 AD and Judge Dredd publishers Rebellion. Each issue is a stand-alone game for up to seven players, from some of the most exciting RPG designers and artists in the industry.

Designed for ease of play for veterans and newbies alike, all you need to play is the magazine, some pencils and three six-sided dice.

The rules and format are designed around accessibility and ease of play for beginner and established players alike. First-time role players can read the four-page rule sheet, choose the most fun-sounding character, and get straight to playing.

One player is the Games Master, while the others control up to six Protagonists who will lead the story. The magazine has been carefully laid out for ease of GMing, keeping all of the important information at a glance. The rules are designed to keep the action flowing while giving the GM a clear structure to work with.

Every conflict roll is contested, so attacks and damage are decided in a single moment. All rolls are on three six-sided dice, so even with the odds against you, you’ll always have a fighting chance.

#rebellionunplugged #2000AD #judgedredd

Preorder your physical copy or PDF here:

Adventure Presents: Tartarus Gate

Hasbro has revealed their plans to “reprint” Heroquest through their HasLab crowd-funding-like website. Honey & Hot Wax is an anthology of sex-positive roleplaying games. The collection of games varies from 2-player to games needing 6 to 12 players along with a facilitator or two. It is published by Pelgrane Press and was edited by Lucian Kahn and Sharang Biswas with a foreword by Naomi Clark of Consentacle. An open license for creating content for Mork Borg, the award-winning game published by Free League. The latest Adventurer’s League Guide contains new custom racial ability score rules. This gives us a preview of the new rules that Wizards of the Coast will be adding to 5E in the release of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything coming soon. We lament the failure of 2020 as the year of Dune, with only the boardgame reprint being released while the Denis Villeneuve feature film and Modiphius 2d20 system will not be released until next year.

#dune #morkborg #heroquest #modiphius

Honey & Hot Wax Anthology:

Create content for Mork Borg:

Adventurer’s Guild Rules Update: