For Halloween this year, we discuss our top 5 horror settings for role-playing. These settings, from movies, books, and television, aren’t necessarily our favorite ones to watch or read, but they are the most interesting and inspirational settings to play in. Let us know if you agree with us!

Note that we deliberately didn’t include settings that are currently being used for games. Do you really need another gaming list topped by Call of Cthulhu and World of Darkness?

If you would like to skip the full discussion and go right to the final top 5, please visit our YouTube channel.


Actual play session of Warhammer 40,000 Deathwatch setting using the Cortex Prime ruleset. Three and a half hours of space marine carnage! If you are interested in trying this setting with this system use the links below…

Pre-generated character PDFs available here:

Ruleset available for pre-order here:

Listen to a discussion of the choice to pair Deathwatch and Cortex Prime:

Our GM was @HyveMynd

Fantastic Fate Resources

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