Prof. Harriet “Gears” Hamilton: “Was that London calling?”
Lord Nigel Hollingsworth III: “Yes. Something about engines not running and the city drowning.”
Hamilton: “That sounds dreadfully excessive.”
Hollingsworth: “What do you expect from Lady Annie Christian?”
Hamilton: “The anarchist? I say, she certainly doesn’t know what she wants.”
Hollingsworth: “But she knows how to get it.”
Hamilton: “Oh, how droll! Well, let’s assemble the League. It seems we have some thrashing to do.”
– Another reason why steampunk isn’t that punk.

In our first installment of our subcultures series, we discuss punk. Put your game to our Punk Test, a series of questions on what is punk.

A chimpanzee, dolphin and octopus walk into a bar. The bartender takes their order.

In this episode, we discuss transhumanism and posthumanism. We consider whether or not to explore what it means to be human (i.e., whether to outnavel-gaze a WoD player or whether to just have fun) and what kind of world to play in (“We have both kinds of topia: dys and u.”).


I’m gonna pop some tags,
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket.
I – I – I’m leaving, looking to come ba-ack.
The book was fifty dollars.
Game  Shop” – Idlemore & Red Lewis

In this episode, we discuss what makes a good game store, based on some observations we made during some recent trips to North America, and what could entice people away from online  retailers.

Game stores in your area:

401 Games

Fandom II
The Comic Book Shoppe

Los Angeles
The War House

Atomic City Comics

Gamer’s World

The D&D image discussed in the introduction.

During this episode, listeners may encounter the following (roll d100):

  • 01-10 Boredom
  • 11-20 Lame jokes
  • 21-30 Extremely late movie reviews
  • 30-80 Chris & Wayne fighting
  • 81-90 Tangents
  • 91-98 The ghost of Lyal, sighing
  • 99-00 Interesting, lively conversation

In another Lyal-less episode, Chris and Wayne discuss encounters (both random and planned). Should encounters in RPGs be balanced, or should they follow the fiction of the setting? How to plan encounters, and how to make them interesting, balanced or not. This episode was inspired, in part, by an awesome (and angry)  article by the Angry DM.

In this Lyal-free episode, Chris and Wayne discuss a topic they’ve put off for a long time, despite being surrounded by it on a daily basis; anime.

When so much of its defining quality is a specific visual style, we had our doubts about whether “anime” can translate to the tabletop. We explore some common elements and tropes, with the help of a (hilarious and true) i09 article about anime cliches.

Wayne notes make another triumphant and definitively brief appearance.